Monday, 16 October 2023

Instagram Engagement Pod/ Group

Hi there! This is going to be one of my most informal “articles” ever, but that’s only because I realize the list will constantly evolve.

What is an Instagram Engagement Pod?

For those of you who aren’t familiar, Instagram pods are a way of increasing the engagement on your posts by likes/ comments or saves, depending upon the services offered by the engagement pods/ groups!

I personally LOVE engagement pods!

Not only have my likes and comments increased, but I have grown my followers, email subscribers AND relationships.

Check out - My Instagram account


Additional visibility.

My content and profile have been exposed to thousands more people than I could possibly have achieved alone. Okay, okay! Yes, I could have eventually reached the same number of people, however given the choice one month and two years….Yeah, I choose the shorter option.


Pods can be “Like”, “Comment”, "Save" or “Like/Comment/Save.”

In a “Like” pod, you are exchanging likes with your fellow group members. “Comment” pods are created for the exchange of comments and “Like/Comment/Save”… I think you get it!

Let's talk about Likepods

Likepods are run by the likepod admins who guide the members about the group rules and members have to follow and do as they say.

Likepods are open for 6 days a week, i.e, every Monday to Saturday and members have to participate in group and add their entries for atleast 3 days a week or the admins can remove them due to inactivity in the group!

Likepods have a set time frame in which the member have to use the tags given the group. Tags are the Instagram pages in which when a member tags that page, their post is shown up on the tag page once approved by the admin!

The tagging and entry adding time is from 3 PM to 9.45 PM and after that late entries are only allowed until 10 PM

It Is mandatory to tag first and then add the entry in the group in the given list in the correct serial number assigned and the member has to mention their Instagram username and the tags used by them. If a member fails to tag then their post is not approved by the admin and the member will not gain any single like, therefore it is mandatory to tag and add an entry in the list provided by the admin in the group!

Later on, after 11 PM or 11.30 PM, the members have to open the Instagram pages that they have tagged and go to their tag section and like all the posts being shown on their page from top to bottom, without skipping any post.

After liking all the posts the member has to open the group and then give their Confirmation in the confirmation list and mention their Instagram username along with the account used for giving confirmation! 

The best part is, members can like the post from other account if any, and if not, then members can create a backup account for engagement purpose but make sure the account is active or else you'll get action block notice from Instagram. To make that account active you have to create an account and add a display picture that looks like real and make atleast 1 post once in every 3 days for atleast a month, in this way the account becomes active. At first be slow with account activity (like only 150 posts per hour) and then gradually increase the activities to avoid action blocks!

I would suggest you to always have a backup account for engagement pods and avoid using your main account for liking/ commenting and doing any activities like that!

Coming back to the likepod group confirmation, the member needs to make sure that they have liked all the posts of the tag section without skipping any post or else admins can track fake confirmation and can remove you from the group for violating the group rules!

Admins can ask you for a screen recording of they find out that you have missed liking any posts and if you fail to respond or give a screen recording then you'll be blocked from all the tags and will be removed from the group directly without any notice!

The confirmation giving time is from 11 PM or 11.30 PM to the next day 1 PM and pending confirmations are mentioned in the group daily and are given time till 3 PM and maximum 5 PM and after that the member is removed from the group!

In case, a member is going to be late with their confirmation then they are adviced to inform the admin in advance for avoiding removal from the groups!

The group runs smoothly only when there's a good relation between the members and the admins, therefore the members should always abide by the group rules and do as the admins guide them!

Additional - The more tags you use, more likes, reach, views, engagement, etc you'll gain but make sure to have a atleast 1 or 2 accounts in backup to save yourself from getting action blocks!

If you are interested in joining our engagement group then let me know - on my WhatsApp!

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